Monday, April 19, 2010

Audi Rs4 - An Overview

Better than M3?

Audi Rs4 - An Overview

When looking to purchase a new vehicle, there are so many choices of car to get that it is difficult to decide what kind of car to even test drive, and looking online or in the lot can be confusing and sometimes frustrating. However, looking into test-driving an Audi RS4 can be a very easy decision if one knows enough about the vehicle. The high performance quality of this vehicle makes it a car that, if there were an Audi RS4 for sale, it would be a good decision to at least check into it and take it for a test drive.

The Audi RS4 is the highest performing vehicle in the Audi automobiles range. It is a compact sports car and is the fastest of its models. The RS in the name is actually taken from the German words for motor sport and lives up to its name with the most advanced technology in any of the Audi vehicles made. The Audi RS4 is also offered with permanent four-wheel drive that this particular vehicle is famous for.

The body of the Audi RS4 is innovative for the design of the vehicle. It has a wide front and rear wheel arch to make room for the wider axle track, and the distinctive bumpers on both the front and the rear of the vehicle give the Audi RS4 a more aerodynamic car. This feature helps with wind resistance and thus makes the car faster and gives it better gas mileage. Also later models of the Audi RS4 offer a body made of lightweight aluminum.
The technological advancements used in the Audi RS4 make for a very nice vehicle. Many of these vehicles offer amenities that make the driving experience pleasant. For example, the headlights are made to swivel with the turn of the steering wheel to allow for more visibility, and there is a parking system built in with sensor in both the rear and front. Lots of luggage space helps when transporting anything, and the rear seats even are made to fold down to create more space for larger loads.

The sound system of the Audi RS4 is almost as impressive as the vehicles performance itself. There is a ten-speaker system installed with the name brand of BOSE as the sound systems manufacturer. The Audi RS4 can come with a single or six CD disc changer, and many of these cars are outfitted is a DVD-Rom with a folding widescreen for viewing movies.

There are many more features of the Audi RS4 that make it such an amazing vehicle. The body and the amenities alone make for a wonderfully comfortable riding experience. Also, the powertrain details and the safety of the vehicle proven in crash rates are more reasons to research this vehicle. Therefore, if you are looking to purchase a new car and there is an Audi RS4 for sale somewhere close to you, you would be doing yourself a favor if you would at least look into the vehicle and seeing if it fits your needs.

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